
Contributions to spectral are welcome! Here you will find how to do it:

  • Bugs: If you find a bug, please report it by opening an issue. if possible, attach the error, code, version, and other details.

  • Fixing Issues: If you want to contributte by fixing an issue, please check the spectral issues: contributions are welcome for open issues with labels bug and help wanted.

  • Enhancement: New features and are welcome! You can check the spectral issues: contributions are welcome for open issues with labels enhancement and help wanted.

  • Documentation: You can add examples, notes and references to the spectral documentation by creating blogs, tutorials or papers.

Contribution Steps#

First, fork the spectral repository and clone it to your local machine. Then, create a development branch:

git checkout -b name-of-dev-branch

Create a new feature, or fix a bug. Please use the JSDoc standards when documenting new features:

 * Returns an awesome result.
 * @param {ee.Image} img - Image to use.
 * @param {string} text - Text to use.
function awesomeFeature(img, text) {

  return img.set({awesomeResult: text});


exports.awesomeFeature = awesomeFeature;

Now it’s time to commit your changes and push your development branch:

git add .
git commit -m "Description of your work"
git push origin name-of-dev-branch

And finally, submit a pull request.